Advancement of non-technological innovation performance
and innovation capacity in fruit growing and processing sector
in selected Baltic Sea Region countries (InnoFruit), #R004
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego
w ramach Programu Regionu Morza Bałtyckiego
Okres realizacji: 01.03.2016-28.02.2019
Ogólna wartość projektu: 1 500 013,00 EUR.
Dofinansowanie przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego: 1 272 011,05 EUR
Dofinansowanie dla Instytutu Ogrodnictwa: 305 762,00 EUR
Kierownik projektu z IO: dr Mirosław Sitarek
Summary of the project
The InnoFruit project aims at developing the fruit-growing potential in the Baltic Sea Region to secure the availability of healthy, high quality fruit and fruit products through research-driven innovations, thereby increasing the competitiveness and sustainability of the fruit chain in Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden. Despite the fact that high-level research in the field of fruit-growing and processing has been developed in Latvia and Lithuania, the transfer of knowledge and innovation in these countries is limited due to the lack of appropriate advisory systems, slow development of fruit-growing cooperatives, and low absorptive capacity of SMEs. The mutual exchange of knowledge and learning among the project partners will thus aim to address the specific objective of the Project to increase the number of successful SMEs in the fruit-growing sector through the use and implementation of technological and non-technological innovations via a newly created demo-farm network.
The complementary competencies of research organizations, non-governmental organizations, producers’ cooperatives, and SMEs constituting the project consortium will facilitate efficient development and use of the demonstration base offered by the open network. The activities to be performed as part of the Project will also lead to the elaboration of guidelines for the establishment of similar demo-farms in other countries, more efficient communication tools for diverse stakeholder groups, increased accessibility of new demonstration objects for fruit-growing and fruit-processing companies, as well as development of policy recommendations on knowledge and technology transfer in the fruit-growing and food sector.
The project is expected to boost the innovation capacity of companies in the Baltic Sea Region, especially in the area of process, organization, and marketing innovations, enabling them to open up new markets or reposition their products. It will also enhance the profile of the research organizations in providing relevant extension services along with boosting their research capacity and technological base. The Project will contribute to the advancement and sustainable development of the knowledge-based bio-economy sector, int. al. contributing to the mitigation of regional disparities in the macro region.
Cel projektu:
Celem projektu jest rozwój potencjału sektora produkcji i przetwórstwa owoców w krajach bałtyckich oraz zabezpieczenie dostępności zdrowych, wysokiej jakości owoców i przetworów owocowych poprzez wdrożenie popartych nauką innowacji. Realizacja założeń projektu przyniesie wzrost konkurencyjności gospodarstw sadowniczych i małych firm przetwórczych działających w regionie, a także zapewni długotrwały łańcuch owocowy na Łotwie, Litwie, w Polsce i Szwecji.
Koordynator: | Institute of Horticulture, Latvia University of Agriculture (LATVIA) |
Partnerzy: | – Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LITHUANIA), – Research Institute of Horticulture (POLAND), – Latvian Fruit Growers’association (LATVIA), – Swedish Pomological Science Center (SWEDEN), – La-Sad Sp. z o.o. (POLAND), – Latvia University of Agriculture (LATVIA), – Berry Plus Ltd. (LATVIA) |