Research Institute of Horticulture has decided to discontinue publication of Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. As a continuation, the peer-reviewed Journal of Horticultural Research was established which publishes original research papers and review articles related to all horticultural species.
Editorial Committee Information for authors The reviewing process Reviewer’s Sheet List of the reviewers in 2010-2011 List of the reviewers in 2012 Contents |
The Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research is published in both in print and online. The original version is the printed issue.
Journal is covered in Biological Abstract, BIOSIS Prewiews, Zoological Record.
Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research – rated for 7 points.
Journal is on the Polish list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Thomson Reuters Master Journal List, Philadelphia, USA.
ISSN 1231-0948
Published by:
Research Institute of Horticulture
Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland
Phone: +48(46) 833 34 34, fax: +48(46) 833 31 86, e-mail: wydaw@inhort.pl , www.inhort.pl
Electronic version of VCRB is available on-line at www.versita.com