JOURNAL OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL PLANT RESEARCH (J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res.) is a bi-annual, which publishes original papers, short com-munications and reviews covering theoretical as well as practical aspects of fruit and ornamental plant sciences. Papers are published in English.
The manuscripts (the original and two copies), typed double-space on A4 paper with 2.5 cm margin all around, should be sent to: Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research, Instytut Ogrodnictwa, Pomologiczna 18, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland. An electronic version, prepared with Microsoft Word or a compatible word processor, should also be sent to the Editor, either as „attachment” to the electronic address: wydaw@insad.pl, or by regular mail saved on CD.
The manuscript should consist of the following sections:
The title page containing the full title of the paper, full names of all authors indicating the corresponding author, affiliation, telephone, fax and electronic addresses; ABSTRACT occupying not more than 20 typed lines; Key words; Abbreviations (if necessary); INTRODUCTION; MATERIAL AND METHODS; RESULTS; DISCUSSION; Acknowledgements (if necessary); REFERENCES.
Units should be expressed according to the SI system. Tables with titles should be prepared on separate pages (not included in the text) and numbered successively. They must fit in vertical position on standard A4 page (2.5 cm margins all around, font 12). Graphs, diagrams etc. should be saved in separate files. The preferred formats for graphic files are: BMP, GIF, JPEG, TIFF, CDR and XLC. High quality graphs made in black ink on white paper will also be accepted, providing that lines and symbols are drawn boldly enough to stand reduction to the desired size.Photographs should be limited to a minimum. Black and white photographs should be with glossy finish and with a strong contrast. Colour pictures should be prepared as slides. Descriptive legend should be provided for each illustration (figure, photograph). The legends should be listed at the end of the manuscript, starting with a new page.Literature citations in the text should be by authors names and dates of publication. REFERENCES should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. Papers by the same authors should be listed in chronological order. If they are from the same year, they should be lettered in a sequence: 2002a, 2002b etc. The following standard forms (based on ISO 690 and ISO 690-2) should be used:
Journal articles
Smith R.S., Luck G.F., Bums K.L. 1992. Growth of leaves. J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 122: 658-672.
Books, book chapters and articles in conference proceedings
Smith A.B., Luck G.F. 1988. Advances in science. PWN, Warszawa, 325p.
Smith A.B. 1980. Growth of plants. In: W. Engel (ed.), Encyclopaedia of science, vol. 2. PWN, Warszawa, pp. 82-94.
Nybom H. 1990. DNA fingerprinting in plant breeding. Proc. Intern. DNA Fingerprinting Symposium. Bern, Switzerland, 1-3 May 1990, pp. 32-45.
One set of proofs is sent to the corresponding author. Proof-reading should be limited to the correction of typographical errors. The author(s) will receive 30 reprints free of charge.