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Vegetable Crops Research BulletinINFORMATION FOR AUTHORS

Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin is the continuation a previous journal Biuletyn Warzywniczy (English subtitle – Bulletin of Vegetable Crops Research Work) which was retitled. This journal was founded in 1953. Volumes 1 to 48 of the journal were published in Polish, with English summaries. Since 1998 journal has been published in English exclusively, two-three issues per year, with short summaries in Polish. Starting with 1998 (vol. 49) the volumes are numbered with Arabic numerals instead of Roman.

Aims and Scope. The Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin is a peer-reviewed journal, that publishes mainly original research papers. The journal examines various aspects of research and is devoted to the publication of papers dealing with the following subjects: biotechnology, plant breeding, crop cultivation outdoor and under covers, soil management and plant nutrition, plant-water relations, glasshouse climate, soil biology, weed science, pest and diseases, growth regulators, post-harvest physiology and quality evaluation, nutritional value, storage technology, seed science, mushroom cultivation, economics and management research, etc. In addition to research papers summarising and reviewing papers and reports from symposia and conferences are also published. The scope is wide and the main criteria used for manuscripts acceptation for publication are originality, value, relevance and intrinsic interest of the work described. The journal welcomes submissions of publications from different countries. The time taken from submission of manuscript to publication is approximately 6 months.

Submission of a manuscript implies that the paper has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. All papers which have been qualified as relevant to the scope of our journal are reviewed. The main text should not exceed 12 pages of normalised type script including illustrations and tables (not exceeding the A-4 size). Each table and figure should be placed on a separate page. Original prints (obtained from inkjet or laser printer) on white paper should be provided. It is important that lines and symbols should be large enough to enable reduction to the desired size. Papers prepared in Word for Windows should be delivered on CD, diskette, or by e-mail and accompanied by computer printout. Ensure labelling with your name, the file name and the program used.

Title page. This should contain the title of the article, the name(s) of author(s) in full and the name of institution to which the work should be attributed., summary, keywords (up to 4-6 words) At the bottom of the first page please quote e-mail address of corresponding author.

Main text should be divided under the following headings in this order: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgement and References.

Metric SI units should be used in paper. All Latin (scientific) names should be written in italics, or text fragment to be printed in italics should be clearly indicated on the paper copy. The common names of active substances of plant protection chemicals, including growth regulators, approved by BSI, WSSA or ISO should be used instead of trade names. Otherwise give the full chemical name (IUPAC nomenclature), accompanied by a code number. For each chemical the product trade name and formulation used should be stated in Materials and Methods only. Doses of plant protection chemicals should be expressed throughout the paper in terms of active substances, not as volume or weight of product. The Materials and Methods should include full details of the statistical technique used.

References should include the names of authors in alphabetical order according to example:
Author A., Author B. 1999. Title of article. Journal title 20: 35-42.

Quoted Russian and other papers written in Cyrillic alphabet should be transliterated according to the standard international system ISO. The abbreviated titles of periodicals according to „Word list of scientific periodicals” should be used in References. The titles not included in this list should be written in full, not abbreviated. When book is quoted the title of book, editors and place of publication should be given.
Author A., Author B. 2000. Chapter Title. pp: 21-47. In: Book Title (A.B. Editor ed.) Publisher, Place. Country. 
Author A., Author B., Author C. 2000. Book Title (A.B. Editor) Publisher, Place.

The Polish Summary (up to 300 words) should be added after References. Summary for foreign authors will be translated into Polish by the editor. The papers are published in the order of acceptation for publication. 
The payment for publication is free of charge. The author will receive one copy of the journal issue free of charge.

Papers should be sent to the address:
Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin
Research Institute of Horticulture
96-100 Skierniewice, Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, Poland
tel. +48 (046) 833 34 34, fax: +48 (046) 833 31 86

Subscription information: Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin is published and distributed by the Research Institute of Horticulture (InHort), 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland. Electronic version of summaries and full articles since vol.49/1988 are available on line at

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